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 A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle

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Messaggi : 356
Data d'iscrizione : 14.05.13

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle   A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeGio 06 Feb 2014, 19:08

And on it goes with the chain tensioner.
Today I am building the supports for the eccentric and the dozer blade . In addition, I stiffen so that the hull front , but first I cut out a 28mm aluminum round bar from two pieces .

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17286143ob

The metal pieces I turn plan , bring them to the same length and drill a 6mm central hole for the Exenterachse .

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A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17286145xv

One side I milled from something .

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17286147fn

Just so that they fit on the sides to the overlap of the tub.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17286150eq

Then I drill a second hole to 8mm offset in the two brackets by the later the axis for the dozer blade is inserted . In addition, I use this to align the brackets in the tub.

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A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17286152xh

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17286148mv

To clamp the eccentric I drill nich in each mount an M4 thread.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17286152xh

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17286149gp

After I 've installed in the sides of the pan , the 6mm holes for the eccentric , the inside abgschliffen and degreased , I can glue the brackets. For alignment I use a 5 and 6mm silver steel rod that were previously lightly greased . How can I get them after the adhesive has cured out again.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17286153ba

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Membro X

Messaggi : 356
Data d'iscrizione : 14.05.13

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle   A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeVen 07 Feb 2014, 17:03

Today I had to pull the steel rods from the brackets. I had greased thin before gluing and now I turn it with a screwdriver out. How it works quite easily and also glue residues are ignored.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17294725ku

First, I now have the suspension of the shield, which also tried the pan amplified and it works great. Since one should consider to build the shield made ​​of aluminum. Now the dozer blade is the weakest link.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17294729wv

The eccentric now find their place.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17294724tj

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17294727xv

And so now the page looks with roller.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17294728dm

On the other side of me, the roller remains a problem, but I'll still get.

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Membro X

Messaggi : 356
Data d'iscrizione : 14.05.13

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle   A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeDom 09 Feb 2014, 15:59

so piecemeal it goes on.

Now I have the idlers properly installed and aligned to the chain track.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17314510nx

Of course, again the gears and sprockets montert, which I've donated a second screw for fastening.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17314512gc

The assembly of the tracks was then just a matter of form when it has been like mans does best, but now the tub is back on their soles.

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A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17314514nb

However, the tracks are really not very stable and almost a little too short, after I have now psition the idlers in scale, but it still goes.

Here I have now set the servo times in the tub, but let's see if I should install it at all.

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Membro X

Messaggi : 356
Data d'iscrizione : 14.05.13

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle   A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Feb 2014, 15:28

This time must drive the Leo , but first I have to install the servo for the plow blade and adjust the regulator .

The servo I just sit on a plastic plate I screw on two feet with the tub.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17325444rj

The servo I can now easily stick to the plastic plate.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17325443nl

Next, I have my battery and the receiver for test drives set in the tub and the control is set with the programming card .

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17325445pm

For the test drive, I have a general program on my transmitter . Therefore, I have the dozer blade , although controlled , but not as it should be later. Also, the regulator get so no fine tuning , but that is for test drives also not necessary , as I have a precise adjustment of the suspension can not do because I do not know the later weight distribution.

A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 17325446hw

The design of the drive is adapted in this Leo not on speed, but to such a workhorse fits to torque and sensitive reaction.
What has somewhat bothered me was the low grip of the tracks , but that might be even better after a precise adjustment of the suspension and more weight.
So my work is complete except for a few small adjustments and settings.

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MessaggioTitolo: Re: A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle   A "Bergepanzer Standart" gets new muscle - Pagina 2 Icon_minitime

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